Go into the folder that you extracted the compressed folder into and double-click the setup file. I typically use the Desktop for this purpose. Extract the LaserCAD installation package into a folder that you can find. If you don't want to download WinZIP to extract the RAR type, then you can download a copy of LaserCAD V8.10.21 on this website at or just download it here: LaserCAD V8.10.21 download compressed in ZIP format. On that site, the LaserCAD installation software is compressed with the RAR format which may not be an available extraction type on your computer. You can get the latest version of LaserCAD at. This is also the application that you will use to directly communicate with the laser cutter's laser controller.

You can also import popular file types such as AI (Adobe Illustrator), CorelDraw, DXF (AutoCAD format), PLT, and many more.

The LaserCAD software is the CAD application that allows you to draw geometry, place text and images on a drawing surface. First, you will need to download the LaserCAD software. Let's run through the installation process: So, why is it important to connect the computer with the controller when the LaserCAD software gives the ability to download the cut file to a thumb drive (flash drive or USB stick)? The computer needs to be connected to the Anywells AWC laser controller to set some important parameters that cannot be changed on the laser controller's control panel. Prerequisites to this tutorial is that you have a laser cutter and engraver controller from Trocen called the Anywells or has a model number that starts with AWC and it is, at minimum, wired for power and the control panel is connected to the main laser controller unit.
I found a workaround using this FTDI as a hint to simply use the FTDI drivers directly rather than using the drivers that come with the LaserCAD installation.
Fortunately, the Anywells Laser controller uses a standard FTDI USB to serial converter as the main mechanism to communicate between the computer and controller. The software installation is relatively straightforward but when installing the AWC608 Laser Cutter and Engraver controller, the USB connection driver will most likely not work.